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Find out if your health
insurance covers XIAFLEX®

Please fill out the secure form below to receive your approximate cost and coverage details. Most people get results within minutes. This tool will use the information you provide to give available cost and coverage details based on your insurer.

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Patient Information

*Required field
Please enter valid first name.
Please enter valid last name.

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Please enter valid date of birth.
Please enter valid ZIP code.
Please enter valid phone number.

By providing your email address, a copy of the Cost and Coverage Results will be emailed to you.

Please enter valid email address.

Endo USA, Inc. will only send information to individuals who are over 18 years of age. Endo understands that your privacy is important. By providing your name, address, and other requested information, you are giving Endo and other parties working with us permission to communicate with you about XIAFLEX or other products, services, and offers from Endo. We will not sell your name or other personal information to any party for its marketing use. To view the Privacy Policy, please visit www.endo.com/privacy-legal.

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Insurance Information

*Required field

Primary Insurance Plan

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    Please make a valid selection
    Please enter valid name for other insurance company.
    Please enter valid member ID.

    Member ID Location


    Other Insurance Plan

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      Please make a valid selection
      Please enter valid name for other insurance company.
      Please enter valid member ID.
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      Healthcare Provider Search

      Enter your ZIP code to locate a healthcare provider in your area:

      Why does Endo collect this information?

      To provide coverage results, health insurance companies require information about the healthcare provider. By selecting a provider here, you are under no obligation to seek treatment from them. Additionally, the selected provider will not be contacted. The information you enter is secure, as Endo is committed to patient privacy. For more details, please see our Privacy Policy.

      *Required field

      Please enter valid ZIP code.
      Please correct errors before submitting.
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      Patient Authorization to Share Health Information

      *Required field

      By providing this consent to Endo USA, Inc., I agree to the collection, use, and disclosure of my personal information, which may include sensitive data and personal health information regarding my (or the patient's) prescription and insurance coverage information, to Endo USA, Inc. and its service providers for the purpose of assisting me with benefits verification services. I understand that Endo USA, Inc. or its partners may use this information as described in the applicable Endo Privacy Notice; for quality monitoring data analytics; and to provide educational and treatment support services to me, including treatment reminders and surveys about my treatment with XIAFLEX®.

      Your consent is required in order to move forward with your cost and coverage check. If you do not wish to provide consent, we recommend you speak with a healthcare provider to discuss next steps.
